Sunday, July 7, 2013

Dog Vacation

   The dogs are on their own little vacation. But they still cause chaos.Though today's blog will be in chronological order even though it always has. Dad and I went to a cave down in southern Indiana. It was the Marengo Cave.
    It was discovered in 1883 by two children that went down a sinkhole. They each only had a candle but there were lights all over when we went in. But then we went through lantern alley. It was a  path with lanterns all over and then I knew how settlers saw the cave. We heard that people who came to the cave in the 19th and early 20th century would come to a small creek and drink from cups. Today calcium has built up around them so they stick there now. The staff tried to remove a cup but it was too fragile so it broke.                       
   There was another thing settlers did and people do today. People throw coins up and they would some how get caught in the ceiling. One woman didn't believe it and threw her wedding ring up. It was caught and the staff had to get a ladder to get it.    
   But on to the natural beauty. An underground river formed the cave. And then, when it rained the rain would seep through the ground and collect minerals too form stalactites. Some drops would drop to the ground and form stalagmites. The way you tell them apart is a stalagmite might reach the ceiling and a stalactite has to hang on tight to the ceiling. 
     Then there was a small remainder of the river. These were mirror lakes. Mirror lakes live up to their names. It mirrors the ceiling making it look like the lake is 10 feet deep when it is around three inches.     

      The rest of week for the Fourth of July we saw fire works on the sixth, hurray! We saw Despicable Me 2 and Monsters University on the Fourth. We stayed up until 2:00 am but it was fun. It was a good vacation. 
  The dogs also had their chaos. Lizzie was sniffing for moles and pawing. Hoover came over and stuck his nose down a hole pushing the ground up. We fortunately caught the two criminals and got their mug shots. And now stay tuned for a soccer week or else you'll be convicted of not reading!  


  1. Look at those Molesters! Those hang-dog looks are a sure admission of guilt!

    I'm glad you had a good vacation. We did, too! We saw Superman, The Heat and Much Ado About Nothing. ^_^

  2. Funny how dogs find or make their own chaos! They are happy dogs. Which of the movies did you like the best?? Have dry weather and low humidity while at soccer camp, or maybe playing in the rain would be great fun!!
