Monday, March 11, 2013

Weekend Adventures

Hoover trying to hide
     Today I shall blog about my weekend. Yes, it will have dogs and some non-dog stories. First off I shall tell a short tale about my dogs in the snow. School was closed and I went to play outside with Lizzie and Hoover. Lizzie barked and ran around  trying to get Hoover to run around with her. Instead he ran in terror of her. This carried on for awhile till Hoover came to Wiley's old doghouse. He fled inside it and lied down. Soon Lizzie came and Hoover ran out. But Lizzie did not pursue. She was sniffing the old doghouse. But Lizzie did not stay long. She gave chase again but Hoover stood his ground and the game was soon over.
Lizzie wanting Hoover to play
Soccer practice
    On Saturday I was going to a soccer practice that I wanted to do and my mom signed me up. I was a little nervous of how I would play. When I got there I discovered that there were not that many other kids. There was only 14 counting me. Our coach handed out t-shirts and my number was 130. Then she said we should shoot soccer balls, juggle, or dribble. What I did was walk around and think thoughts to myself of how I should play. And the other kids were shooting soccer balls or juggling. So that's what I did. Though it didn't last long. Soon we were called to play a game.
    I was paired up with 3 other kids and we were the blue team. We were up against the red team. I felt a little intimidated. But soon I was beating people and I had a hat trick. We won 4 to 2. The next game I felt really energetic. This game, however, was harder. But we pulled it off and won 4 to 3.  And at the end of the practice we had a big game. I did not score a goal because I was on defense but I made good passes that helped us score. 
        On Sunday, Indiana University played basketball at Michigan. It was getting close to the end and I couldn't stand  to watch anymore so I went to the other room and watched something else. Soon I heard Mom yell and I rushed out the room. I looked at the TV and saw that IU had taken the lead. I got excited but Mom yelled, "Ian, get back in there! We might win!" I ran back to my room. I heard my Mom cheer.  I ran out again. I looked at the TV and saw we had won! Then mom and me jumped around and high fived. My grandma, on the other hand, just sat and stared at the screen. She is very energetic, isn't she? 
     But before the game we did something special. We went to the animal shelter. We visited the cat room and I found 2 special cats. The first was Lucille. She was in a room where she was practically alone. The other cats had fled to their litter boxes that were under objects. 
     I sat down and Lucille walked around me and purred as she brushed up against me. Lucille walked onto my lap and stood on it for awhile. But I can't keep going on about one cat. I have to talk about the other cat. This was President Garfield. Now Garfield was...well, different. When I was petting him he put his rump up to my face. He did that a lot. But even though he stuck his butt in my face I'll always remember him. 
President Garfield
    After the cats we went to the dogs. There were many people and many dogs. There were also biscuits! I think some of those dogs put on a lot of weight. :) There was one dog out of many who caught my eye. He was Beluga, a Great Pyrenees mix and he sure did look like Hoover as a puppy in my opinion. Do you think so? 
Hoover as a pup

 That is the beginning of my Spring break. Stay tuned for more. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, your weekend was packed! I think you're right, Beluga looks a lot like young Hoover. Too bad there's no picture of President Garfield with his butt in your face - THAT was a missed photo opportunity!
