Sunday, August 11, 2013

Back to School

     To all you dog lovers this will be a post mainly about school and soccer so let's get started. On Wednesday we went back to school for fifth grade and to start some more great projects about the colonies and maybe the Mafia! We are already getting started on a collage about Art! Can you believe it?!  I am excited to continue on an exciting school year.
     The fifth grade school year will certainly be harder than 4th grade but I think I'll be able to handle it just fine. Lucky for me, I have the same nice teacher as last year! But I have had a rough start. Here's the story. 
      My teacher let's us sit on yoga balls. I popped mine. I dropped a pencil and I was going to get it when my ball rolled into the lead and popped. Not like a balloon but the air released gradually. Yet it was making a high pitched noise as it escaped. I have to pay $20. Good thing I have an allowance.
     But a day after school started U-11 red team soccer came. The practice we had would not be a regular practice but we were able to get a game in with the white team fortunately. 
     Thanks for reading this short post. The dogs have been getting use to their new sleeping spots. Lizzie always heads downstairs, we're calling it "Lizzie's cave". Nikita has decided to find comfort with my parents or me sometimes and Hoover enjoys sleeping by one of  the air conditioning vents. Stay tuned for more (By more I mean an upcoming soccer tournament)! 
First day of school



  1. Happy Back to School, Ian!!

  2. Good luck in school this year! - Chris

  3. Happy new home and I know you will have a terrific school year! Any teacher would be delighted to have you in their class. Eager to hear soccer updates and of course any dog adventures! Keep writing!!! PS Welcome to the Neighborhood!
