Sunday, August 18, 2013

A Big Suprise

     Hello all you dog lovers! This shall be a post filled with a big surprise so you better read carefully. 
Picture taking time
     This weekend we went to Indy! It was for my third soccer tournament and first as a U- 11 for the other two were in a higher age group. We played two games on Saturday and one on Sunday. The turnout was not the best though. 1. We were not able to go to the championship. 2. We had to get up at 5:30 to go to the game! But I luckily found my position! I'm having a great time as center back! 
    And to celebrate soccer we had a great breakfast at a great restaurant called Le Peep. I had my first omelet, I usually get scrambled eggs. It was one of the most delicious meals I had ever had. If I had the choice, I would definitely go back. 
    Now for the big news. Lizzie has a forever home! My family has decided to adopt Lizzie! We love her and we decided it would be good for Lizzie. She is a little shy around people but is very sweet and cuddly. We may no longer foster but I will still be able to tell you about Northern Lights sled dogs. The foster mania will still go on, so stay tuned for more.      
Our family


  1. HUZZAH!! Lizzie gets to stay! I think she better visit us soon. I don't think I've officially met her yet.

    Congratulations on surviving SOCCER WEEKEND..end..end..end!

  2. That makes my heart smile! I promised Lizzie when I first met her she would get a fantastic forever home - thank you for making that promise come true!
