Sunday, August 25, 2013

A Few Short Stories to Tell

     This post may not have many dog stories but it sure has a lot of good memorable moments. So, let's get started.
     This is the only story about dogs my post will have for this week but, the dogs do have to have their own vacations as well. Hoover and newly adopted dog, Lizzie, were sitting in the lawn, under a tree. But this was no ordinary tree. It was a tree that had a squirrel in it!

     So, the dogs were always looking at the limbs and trunk. I'm just glad we didn't hear the dogs barking, "Squirrel!" Has any one seen "UP"? Luckily, squirrel was not on the menu today, but it may be sometime soon like the skunk but Hoover and Lizzie didn't get one bite.
     And speaking of menus, it is time to be a food critic! Yesterday I went to one of my favorite restaurants, not my mom's favorite, The Great Wall. It stopped being a buffet! It was truly sad. We now must use, menus. But at least the food was still amazing. Our family also bit off more than we could chew. We took home half our meal. At least dinner tommorow will be decided quickly.    
    Soccer was fortunately a lot better. We won our first regular season game! The score was 5-1, and I think our team is getting used to their positions. I'm cozy as center back, protecting the goal with the keeper. We had a good game.   
    I also had another soccer event this weekend. I did the ODP(Olympic Development Program) try out and now I'm on the statewide pool. This is great! Now I get to work with more great coaches and players! I'll have more news on this if you stay tuned.    
    What are some of your favorite childhood memories of a favorite pet?

Sunday, August 18, 2013

A Big Suprise

     Hello all you dog lovers! This shall be a post filled with a big surprise so you better read carefully. 
Picture taking time
     This weekend we went to Indy! It was for my third soccer tournament and first as a U- 11 for the other two were in a higher age group. We played two games on Saturday and one on Sunday. The turnout was not the best though. 1. We were not able to go to the championship. 2. We had to get up at 5:30 to go to the game! But I luckily found my position! I'm having a great time as center back! 
    And to celebrate soccer we had a great breakfast at a great restaurant called Le Peep. I had my first omelet, I usually get scrambled eggs. It was one of the most delicious meals I had ever had. If I had the choice, I would definitely go back. 
    Now for the big news. Lizzie has a forever home! My family has decided to adopt Lizzie! We love her and we decided it would be good for Lizzie. She is a little shy around people but is very sweet and cuddly. We may no longer foster but I will still be able to tell you about Northern Lights sled dogs. The foster mania will still go on, so stay tuned for more.      
Our family

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Back to School

     To all you dog lovers this will be a post mainly about school and soccer so let's get started. On Wednesday we went back to school for fifth grade and to start some more great projects about the colonies and maybe the Mafia! We are already getting started on a collage about Art! Can you believe it?!  I am excited to continue on an exciting school year.
     The fifth grade school year will certainly be harder than 4th grade but I think I'll be able to handle it just fine. Lucky for me, I have the same nice teacher as last year! But I have had a rough start. Here's the story. 
      My teacher let's us sit on yoga balls. I popped mine. I dropped a pencil and I was going to get it when my ball rolled into the lead and popped. Not like a balloon but the air released gradually. Yet it was making a high pitched noise as it escaped. I have to pay $20. Good thing I have an allowance.
     But a day after school started U-11 red team soccer came. The practice we had would not be a regular practice but we were able to get a game in with the white team fortunately. 
     Thanks for reading this short post. The dogs have been getting use to their new sleeping spots. Lizzie always heads downstairs, we're calling it "Lizzie's cave". Nikita has decided to find comfort with my parents or me sometimes and Hoover enjoys sleeping by one of  the air conditioning vents. Stay tuned for more (By more I mean an upcoming soccer tournament)! 
First day of school


Monday, August 5, 2013

The Dogs Meet a Very Smelly Town

     Sorry I have kept all you dog lovers waiting all this time. The truth is, we've moved! We lived in the country and now we are in the city. My parents have just purchased a two story house, so expect to see some new pictures soon. Another good thing is we now live by a big golf course. 
     On Saturday we introduced the dogs to our new glorious house. Hoover and Lizzie arrived first. They explored the house energetically. Then they wanted to go outside and check out the neighbors. Mom was about to call them in when on the doorstep was a skunk!
     Then the dogs saw it. Thus came a smelly disaster. The next thing you knew Lizzie had blood-shot eyes and was rubbing her face in the ground and Hoover cornered the skunk. Luckily the skunk didn't appear to be fully loaded but what a warm welcome we got! But we still had to take them to the dog wash at 10:30 in the night. Thankfully, there is a spare garage connected to our house so the rascals could sleep there with the windows open. Nikita slept undisturbed that night for some apparent reason. 
     On Sunday the dogs smelled fresher (a big relief) and Nikita got to explore the yard without a skunk. Lizzie has moved before and is taking everything well while Hoover and Nikita are looking for spots to lounge. Yet Nikita found my room as a sanctum again.  All three dogs can now enjoy peaceful strolls in the neighborhood.
     It's now time for two new short stories with "Fair Fun" and "Golf Blunders!" The good thing about our new home is that the golf course is just a small walk away. So it wasn't that hard to get to my golf camp. But here is the biggest blunder. As we were heading down to a driving range, I wasn't paying attention and I soon tripped over a trash can in front of a counselor. And that's why I can never be trusted with china.
     At the Monroe County Fair I had loads of fun with my friends. There's a ride called "Pharaoh's Fury". It's a boat that is like a pendulum. At least this time I opened my eyes! My friends are a lot braver than me.  Yet we all had a great time. After that ride my blood pressure was up and I was excited. But I stopped the rides after one that spun in three dimensions called Storm. I was a little queasy.
     Stay tuned for more on when we prepare for 5th grade!