Thursday, February 21, 2013

Lizzie Stories

     Today I shall talk about Lizzie and her fun adventures since she got here. They are all short stories but they are all good. For example, Tuesday we were watching an Indiana University basketball game. Our team was in Michigan and they were up against Michigan State. There was about 1:00 minute left. And our dogs were going for IU. Well, mainly Hoover and Lizzie. Why not Nikita you ask? The answer, she is practically deaf. Lizzie got hyped up and started howling for IU. Then Hoover started talking. We all got excited and we all joined in. And I guess our cheers worked for we won the game! 
    The next day Lizzie went to Mom's office. I was at school unfortunately. Do not blame me if this is dull to you. These are my mom's words. She met people and slept on the floor for most of the morning. And when she was awake, Lizzie explored the offices and went for a bathroom break. Mom shared a chicken sandwich with Lizzie and Lizzie didn't eat her veggies. I added the veggies part. Dull huh?
     Wednesday Lizzie and Hoover were outside before I went to school. Read my post about Wiley to find something familiar. Hoover outweighs Lizzie by about 60 pounds. Who is the boss? Lizzie. She was chasing Hoover around the yard the entire time! Just like Nikita use to do to Wiley. 
     And then on Tuesday, when I got up, I discovered that Lizzie was sleeping on the dog pad in my room! I hope she sleeps in my room tonight. I'm glad she feels more comfortable to come down to my room now.
    I'm hoping for a 2 hour delay tomorrow so I can play with Lizzie because it is snowing ice. I hope it's not too slick. Lizzie is being a true husky, she is sitting out in the cold and sleet with Hoover. Until next time...



  1. I love your blogs & I got to do the videos for Lizzie. She is lucky to have you- Ian!
    Auntie Kay (Julie's sister)

  2. Love Lizzie's pink collar and so happy she is with you!

  3. Hey Ian,

    Don't put your work down even as you're writing it! Readers will decide for themselves if something is dull or not, trust me. If you say something is dull, they'll agree with you every time, but if you let readers draw their own conclusions, you'd be surprised at what they might find funny or interesting. Let your words speak for themselves and your readers will decide if they're entertained or not. You can only get so far with people by putting yourself down; it's cute for a while, but then people tend to find it tiresome, and they start to agree with you. Yikes! You don't want that!

    Just a little writing lesson from the not-entirely-unpublished-but-definitely-over-studied-

