Monday, May 5, 2014

A Very Busy Weekend

     I haven't been able to blog for awhile. I've been playing soccer all week and studying my topic for inquiry. I'll tell you about my topic.
     My inquiry topic is about stop motion. I chose stop motion because I make stop motion shorts with Lego's and I would like to learn more about the history of stop motion. Did you know "King Kong" featured stop motion? Stay tuned for more fun facts.
     A week ago on Sunday, I played a soccer game against Zionsville. We lost 4 to 5 but almost tied. We made a great comeback. I was able to score one goal. We have many games left but it was our last home game.

     This past weekend Cutters played in the Red Lion Tournament in Indy. I had to wake up at 5:30. The game started very early. The dogs were all asleep and didn't want to wake up. I suppose our dogs are anti-morning.  
     Our first game we lost after two unlucky goals.  It was 4 to 2. After the game, we all went and had a second breakfast.
     Then we had 7 hours until our next game. So, I went to a Northern Lights Sled Dog kennel in Anderson. We walked four great dogs. The first dog we walked was Kia. She was a hunter that startled two rabbits and almost caught one. Then we walked Lucien. He was energetic and smart. He enjoyed picking dandelions with me. After our walk, Lucien relaxed under the picnic table. 
     Next was Kadence. She was as thin as Lizzie but faster and stronger. Dad had to hold her. She was crazy!  We had Zack as our last dog. He was like Kadence but more controlled and knew his commands. I enjoyed running with him. Please check out the Northern Lights Sled Dog Rescue web site. While we were at the kennel, we got to see Alue! He was one of our former foster dogs. He was getting a pedicure.
     We then played another game at 4:45, which we won so we could still compete in the championship. We scored the winning goal late in the game. The next game on Sunday was another early start, 9:15. We did get to sleep an extra hour. The  game was a tie so we were out of the competition. I had fun though and we played an aggressive game.
     I decided to go to ODP in the afternoon to train. Although I was ready to rest, I practiced and played well. By the end I was ready to just sleep. And that ended my weekend. I had a great time. 
     And the kindness award goes to the woman who let out our dogs and played with them or else we would have no house, thank you Darra. She's also brave. She could withstand Hoover's kisses. That is a feat to be honored!

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