Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Gentle Giant Passes On

      I have sad news today. If you have been following my blog from the beginning, you would know who Pulaski is. He was the one who stole my doughnut. He passed away September 30. He died of the same ailment as my parent's dog, Dakota. He had bone cancer.
     Pulaski shared some great memories with us. Here are just a few of them.  
     We got Pulaski in October. We called him the "Gentle Giant" for he was so huge, larger than Hoover! Yet like all of our fosters, Nikita bossed him around. But he had some of his own moments. I let my guard down once, and my doughnut was snatched!  Pulaski gobbled it down.
     Once when the roof was being changed at our old house, there was a lot of banging. When dad came home, he couldn't find Pulaski. He finally checked my room and the jolly good fellow was fast asleep on my bed. It was not easy for Pulaski to get up on furniture.
     We taught Pulaski how to play. He didn't know what to do with toys before. When we showed him the toys, he learned and developed his own play: ripping off tags. Pulaski would woof, a lot,  when he was in a playful mood. Of course this scared Hoover who would stop playing. 
     When Pulaski was adopted in January, we took him to Petsmart to meet his new family. He started doing the Malamute's classic howl. Many people took interest in him and some even snapped photos of him. Pulaski met his perfect owners and journeyed to his new home and new name, Montana. I'm glad I was able to be apart of Pulaski's life and get to know and help him find a home. He was sweet big boy.            


  1. What a touching tribute to your friend Pulaski. I am sure he treasured his time with you too!

  2. What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful soul - by a young man with a lot of soul himself! I will make sure Pulaski-Montana's mom and dad (as well as members of our group who knew him) see this, Just lovely, Ian. Thank you for putting the Gentle Giant on the road to a wonderful forever home. He knew a lot of love in the last year of his life.

  3. What a loving and caring family!

  4. Sad news! Thanks to you, your family, Northern Lights, and Pulaski/Montana's adopters for giving him the love he so deserved. Beth

  5. Good write-up, Ian! We'll miss the big lug, but he won't be forgotten. <3

  6. Great story about a big beautiful boy. I met Pulaski one time and fell in love. Of course, I have a huge soft spot for these big boys. Thanks for being a good friend to him and letting everyone know about his journey.

  7. Thank you Ian. I appreciate you sharing your story/memories. I enjoy reading your blog, even the sad ones. Keep up the good work and good luck to you and your soccer team this weekend, go cutters!!!

  8. Thank you for your tribute to Montana/Pulaski! He was a very special guy and we loved him soooo much! I will never forget coming to PetSmart to pick him up. I remember being in the back of the store and hearing that great malamute talk, it was music to my ears!!! We hurried to the front of the store to see the most handsome, gentle GiANT I have ever seen! Your family took such good care of him while he waited for us to find him!

    He became our 2 year old grandson's best buddy! Carter called him "My Tana!" They had so much fun playing outside and digging BIG holes in the yard! Montana would start the holes and then Carter would dig and play in them with his backhoe while Montana watched with a BIG smile on his face! YOU had a huge part in teaching Montana how to play and act around kids! THANK YOU!!!! Montana's Mom(Gina)
