Saturday, May 25, 2013

End of School Inquiry

     The school year is over! Yes, it is true. The school year is over after what seemed like 5 days. But it was 180 days. And not to really celebrate we presented our Inquiry projects. Our Inquiry projects were when we asked a question about a topic. Mine was about the American Mafia, which was an American criminal society that came from Italy. I picked the Mafia because I saw a show on The History Channel and wanted to know more about the Mafia. We could do a Ted Talk, blog or podcast. I decided to do a podcast. If you want more information on the Mafia you should watch my four podcasts.
Episode 1: The Beginning
Episode 2: The Black Hand
Episode 3: Al Copone and Prohibition
Episode 4: All about Mafia Families
     Anyway, we were presenting our Inquiry to other kids in our school. This is what happened. I was sitting next to a kid who was doing his Inquiry on a guy from the WWE. He got so many people! The reason he got so many people is because he brought in a fake plastic champion's belt. And everyone wanted to touch it and put it on. I only got 9 because most of them were waiting to touch the belt, except for my former teachers that stopped by. I got a little bored. Maybe I should have brought in chocolate. But as my mom reminded me, the project wasn't about how many kids visited but doing a good job and getting a good grade. I felt good about my project and did well.
     Now to talk about our end of year celebration. We had every grade sing but preschool, of course. We also had our cities Artist in Residence, Salam, a middle eastern performance group. They performed with our sixth graders in Strings, which is an instrumental strings group. But I shall carry on to my performance.
     For the 4th and 5th grade songs we did a parody of Gangnam style. I was embarrassed at "Backhall" style when I first heard it. But when we did it in front of the whole school the dance was fun. I was hopping up and down in the middle of the crowd. I was a little shy.
     Since it is the end of the school year I feel a little sad. But I won't when we celebrate Hoover and Dad's birthday this week ALONG with endless but fun summer camps. So stay tuned for more. Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, always remember in life and school it's about the JOURNEY and what YOU got out of it that is important! So kudos to YOU because YOU felt good about your project! Bet the dance was a hoot and good for you to step out of your comfort zone to do it. I did that a lot working all those summers at the AK kennel and thus learned a lot! Happy summer, keep blogging as I can't wait to hear all about your summer camps. Hooray for you, Ian, and congrats for another school year under your belt!
