Saturday, May 25, 2013

End of School Inquiry

     The school year is over! Yes, it is true. The school year is over after what seemed like 5 days. But it was 180 days. And not to really celebrate we presented our Inquiry projects. Our Inquiry projects were when we asked a question about a topic. Mine was about the American Mafia, which was an American criminal society that came from Italy. I picked the Mafia because I saw a show on The History Channel and wanted to know more about the Mafia. We could do a Ted Talk, blog or podcast. I decided to do a podcast. If you want more information on the Mafia you should watch my four podcasts.
Episode 1: The Beginning
Episode 2: The Black Hand
Episode 3: Al Copone and Prohibition
Episode 4: All about Mafia Families
     Anyway, we were presenting our Inquiry to other kids in our school. This is what happened. I was sitting next to a kid who was doing his Inquiry on a guy from the WWE. He got so many people! The reason he got so many people is because he brought in a fake plastic champion's belt. And everyone wanted to touch it and put it on. I only got 9 because most of them were waiting to touch the belt, except for my former teachers that stopped by. I got a little bored. Maybe I should have brought in chocolate. But as my mom reminded me, the project wasn't about how many kids visited but doing a good job and getting a good grade. I felt good about my project and did well.
     Now to talk about our end of year celebration. We had every grade sing but preschool, of course. We also had our cities Artist in Residence, Salam, a middle eastern performance group. They performed with our sixth graders in Strings, which is an instrumental strings group. But I shall carry on to my performance.
     For the 4th and 5th grade songs we did a parody of Gangnam style. I was embarrassed at "Backhall" style when I first heard it. But when we did it in front of the whole school the dance was fun. I was hopping up and down in the middle of the crowd. I was a little shy.
     Since it is the end of the school year I feel a little sad. But I won't when we celebrate Hoover and Dad's birthday this week ALONG with endless but fun summer camps. So stay tuned for more. Thanks for reading!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

You Win Some and Sometimes You Lose A Lot

     Today I will talk about my ruined soccer career. Yes, the dogs have not really done much except Hoover. He decided to mess up the bed while we were at soccer. When he isn't being mischievous, he spends his day hogging the air conditioning vent. So it's about time to talk about soccer. So, now to begin the epic tale of 'You win some, and lose a lot'.

     It all started when we got news that a make up game was going to be played on Friday at 5:30 in Greenwood. Unfortunately, the same day and time as the Learning Festival. That's the time of year when students present work to their parents and play games. I had to choose between soccer and school. I obviously chose soccer but with a little regret. 
     So a friend and I went up north to Greenwood. The first team we would play was Center Grove. I'll never forget that one player. It was number 3. Our coach said he was a young obnoxious kid. He fouled me 3 times! And he even told my friend that he fouled me purposelyBut I sure showed him when I stole the ball from him, faked him out, and scored! But we lost the game.  
     Next was a game against St. Francis. They seemed to be a league ahead of our team. BUT mom says they had to be U-10s to play against our team. But every player was a few inches taller than any of us. But I guess Mom is right. They do have to be U-10s to play against my team. Curse you, logic! We lost that game as well.
Still Standing
     Then after what was suppose to be the last game, my coach asked if I wanted to play another game because another Cutter team was short players. I asked mom if I could play a third game. Her expression said, "Really, you want to stay for a third game?" I did. The third game I wasn't as energetic because I was tired. And there were 2 more game yet to come.
     On Saturday the two games came. We would play against the same teams but they had some different players this time. This game was a lot better for us. Our team played very well. My friend, another friend, and I were unstoppable. We were passing all the time and that led us to victory!
     But our victory was short lived. The next game was terrible. We lost, 11 to 1. This is where my soccer career ends because no club will want to pick me up after we lost that bad. Despite losing, I still went to Bub's and ate like a starved soccer player. Maybe I still have a chance for Barcelona.
     Small news to share: We went to the animal shelter on Sunday and when we walked in, they said the regulars are here. I think we are getting well known. We're also getting to know some of the animals well. All of the cats, dogs, and rabbits were so cute and nice. Anyway, I locked mom in a cat colony. We got a laugh out of it, especially me.   
A friend at the shelter

   Well, thanks for reading my post. I hope it wasn't too boring if you don't like soccer. Stay tuned to hear about the end of the school year and my podcast. Maybe in the meantime, the dogs will do something.    

Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Return of the Sled Dogs

   Welcome! THIS IS A POST ABOUT THE RETURN OF SLED DOGS! To start off my blog I will talk about a superhero movie...IRON MAN 3! It is epic and awesome and... epic! I give it a 4 star rating! Wait. Better, 5 stars!
   Now, I'll tell you about a sad and terrifying fort story which has dog attached to it. So, it all started on Friday night, after the Iron Man #3 movie. We returned home and I made a fort out of sheets in the space between the foot of my bed and dresser drawer. I named  it Cozy Corner. And it was COZY! It was a good fort. But then, he came.
   The next morn, my Mum was checking out my fort when it came. With his tongue rolling, the beast rampaged in Cozy Corner in a massive shake in the Earth. Hoover, had destroyed Cozy Corner. Alas, tis a sad tale about a short lived fort. I now fear, as we have named him, Hooverzilla. Fortunatly I rebuilt Cozy Corner and Hoover is now a faithful resident...or is he? 
   Now it is the time to tell you about Lizzie, and her not so destructive adventures. First off, Mum and I took Lizzie for a walk. And Lizzie started her walk with a non-destructive but suprising thing. She found a garter snake. Lizzie pounced on the snake but, to our suprise, right after she caught it, Lizzie let Mr. Snake go. Not what I expected. I expected something grizzley.  Now Lizzie is wiped out after her big day. 
   That really is all I can relate to you about our dogs. And as usually, Nikita didn't do anything exciting this weekend. Now I will tell you about soccer.
   All last week my team (or teams) had been preparing for a 4vs4 tournamant. We would play 4 games with our own team. Then the coaches would divide the teams up and every one would be paired up with another player from a different club.
   To start out, this was my parents words, Good. My parents said I did good all around, with foot work, passing, and shooting. But my parents said I gave a kid from another fouling team an icy look. I say I did that because the kid shoved one of my teammates down and that isn't cool with me... I scored a goal on him. 
   And after a good soccer tournament, you need a good Squealers. You may not know what Squealers is. Well, Squealers is a roadside restaurant but I like it. I got a big plate of BBQ and a huge plate of BBQ nachos that I unwillingly shared with my parents. You should try it some time. I don't know the address but it's somewhere in Mooresville, Indiana...Stay tuned next time for the Mafia.


Friday, May 3, 2013

It's Been an Exciting Week

    Note: Sorry this post is going out a second time. Something happened to the post during the day which prevented some people from logging in.

 I'd like to share with you my essay on why "It's Cool to be Kind."  On Tuesday, my Mom told me the Bloomington animal shelter had an essay/poster contest for Be Kind to Animals week. Only problem was it was due Wednesday. So I had less than a day to work on it before my mom took it to the shelter. Today my mom saw on Facebook the animal shelter had put my essay up as one of the winners. If I get the grand prize, someone would come to my class to give a presentation. All the winners will get a behind the scenes look at the animal shelter. Hope you enjoy it. 

     Last Thursday we had the "Lorax" performance. It was fortunately not a disaster but we did have a few problems. Our scenes were set up by class. First was Darby, then Knepper, and then my class, Loudermilk. A couple of funny things that happened was the Onceler family chopped down the last tree when they weren't supposed to. Then when the Onceler chopped down the last tree, it fell on our child. But overall, our Lorax play was actually pretty good. When you saw the kindergartener's faces, they looked in awe. In my next blog I could present a video clip of the performance.
    On Sunday, because not a lot was happening with the dogs, I went with my family and a friend to the IU vs Mexico soccer game. I'm sad IU lost, boo Mexico(no offense). But I will tell you a story that is very peculiar.
     My friend and I were passing the ball when a kid about five years old came up. He watched us pass the ball. When we hit a slow moving pass he struck. The kid ran up and kicked the ball down the hill. Luckily, some people were kind enough to pass the ball back. The the kid said, "I'll give you a wedgie!" My friend threw me the ball and ignored him.
     Then the kid ran towards my friend. He just put his hand out restraining the kid from giving him a wedgie. Then a woman walked up and said,"Hey! Don't push my kid around! I'm watching you." Then she walked away. Man! But the experience was fun even though we got bossed around by a mother and Mexico won 1-0. 
       Stay tuned for more blog adventures. The dogs may rise again though they have been quiet. Also, a good way to stay tuned, I will blog about a big soccer festival at Center Grove I have on Saturday.