Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Sebastian's Origins

Me and fluffy Sebastian
     Sebastian was our second foster dog. He was 11 when we got him. His fur had been all matted up when Northern Lights got Sebastian so they had to shave his fur. He also had heart worms. So he needed someone to foster him while he got better. We got Sebastian in 2011. At first when I saw him he looked like a lion. He had to have a coat on so he could be warm. 
Sebastian with his coat
      He had some quirks. We discovered a few things about Sebastian: 1. He walked with his head down. Thus earning him the nickname Eeyore. Plus he had a tail like Eeyore. 2. With his body shaved and big head, he looked like an Ewok from Star Wars, earning him the nickname Ewok. 3. My mom called him slipper feet because he had huge furry feet. 
Ewok Sebastian
    At first he wasn't part of the pack. But he soon joined in. Sebastian liked to lay next to Nikita. He'd always be right by her side. Though she was like "Please get him away from me!" She likes her space. He would also twirl when it was time to eat or get excited to play with Hoover. 
    Sebastian's first adoption lasted about 48 hours. It wasn't a good fit and we were glad to have him back. After having him back for awhile, we had decided we would tell Northern Lights we wanted to keep him when we got a message that a family wanted to adopt him. 

He liked to wear my soccer medal!
    So on a Sunday, we went to a Petsmart in Indy. Right when we got in Sebastian flopped on the ground. He didn't like the tile at all. We had to scoot  him out of the away so people could get in and out. But he was a riot. People would ask, "Is he okay?" and we would  say "Yeah, he's okay." People wanted to pet him and he had people all over him when his new family came in.

I'm not moving!

     Sebastian now lives in his new home and has grown his fur back. He looks like a hippie. And I bet he acts like one. I'm glad he got a good home. One more thing, I'm glad and thankful for the comments. Don't be shy. You can comment all you want.
Hippie Sebastian. Thanks to owners for the picture.

Sebastian's adoption day.
His fur felt like a lamb.
Fur growing back


  1. Ian, I love reading your stories. Please keep it up.


  2. Hi Ian-
    It is so fun getting to know more about the dogs who have shared your home. Really enjoy your posts - thank you! - Lisa

  3. Julie at Norther LightsJanuary 9, 2013 at 8:45 AM

    Ian, I had to crack up when I read that you called Sebastian "Eeyore"! We call our Lucy "Eeyore", too! She looks a lot like Sebastian - she is a "wooly" - which is what they are called with that extra long coat. (Well, Sebastian was working on getting BACK to being a wooly after his hair cut!) She has a big ol' head and walks with her head down as well. We often say "Oh, bother..." when she ambles through the room. Lucy was what we call a "foster failure". She came here as a foster and we couldn't let her go. Sounds like Sebastian was close to being a foster failure, too! But we are very VERY glad you let him go on to a new home, since you have helped so many since then! They are all grateful, too!

  4. Maybe Sebastian walks with his head down because it's too big to hold up. Hee! ~_^

    I was really rooting for you all to keep Sebastian, too. I think I sniffled a bit when your mom told me he was adopted.
