Thursday, December 6, 2012

Hoover's Origins

        Hoover came from the Illinois Malamute Rescue Association. Hoover's mom was in rescue when Hoover was born with his 11 bros and sisters. They were called the Dirty Dozen. His first name was Cooper but I changed it to Hoover.
         We got Hoover after the heavy loss of Wiley. I got Hoover because I wanted to grow up with dogs. I discovered that Hoover loved to be petted. I would pet him then stop. Then Hoover would get mad and paw me and lick me to death.(Note: Hoover is deadly when licking. BEWARE!) Mom says," He's younger than Nikita and has cost a lot more." True. Hoover has had some "accidents"( more like emergencies).
           Hoover has a funky way of play. He likes to toss his toys up and catch them. They have hit my mom in the face. She doesn't really like it but I do. Hoover goes to soccer practice. He's always a bigger star than me. I wonder why? :)
        One day I built a snow man. We had to use marshmallows for eyes and a carrot nose. An hour later the carrot was intact but.....the marshmallows were gone. Where did they go? Hoover's stomach. 
       Hoover likes popcorn. One day my mom threw a piece to him. It landed on Sebastian's (a foster dog) back. Hoover took it off. Sebastian's comment: "What happened?"
      The best thing about Hoover - he is loving. He is so loving that when his paw got rolled over by a wheelchair at my grandma's nursing home, he didn't say anything! Hoover is also an air conditioner hog.

Hoover's ET moment

Stealing Betty's crate

Where is my present?

Alue told a funny one


1 comment:

  1. I remember when Hoover was just a puppy - that sure didn't last long, did it?! ^_^
