Sunday, December 30, 2012

Snow Adventure

Me and my snow dog
     One day I was getting ready to head outside. I didn't expect to do much. It had snowed heavily. So I was getting my winter clothes on. Then my dad came all dressed up for winter too. He asked me , "Hey, Ian! Want to help me shovel the drive way?"
Peter Parker
   "OK," I said. So we got our shovels and went to shovel snow that was up to 12 inches. Once we got started our "snow cat" Peter Parker came and sort of got in the way because he was following me around. Though he is our neighbor's cat, he's decided to live with us and our other stray cat Paris. They sleep in the garage. Then, mom came out. She said she would do the rest of my shoveling so I let her. Then I did small errands like feeding the cats.     
    I was about to head back in when mom came, we decided to play with the dogs. So we got all three dogs out. Pulaski and Hoover ran a bit and Pulaski barked at Hoover. Then they wanted to bark at Parker who was walking all around the fence. Mom decided to shovel an area for Kita to walk around in the yard. Meanwhile, I wanted to feel how dogs feel in the snow. So, I got down on all fours and wobbled around. 
Being a snow dog

Nikita ready for Hoover
    Even Nikita was running around! She play bowed to Hoover a couple of times. Hoover was surprised, we were all surprised! Soon it got cold for all of us so we went inside to heat up. But Hoover the sled dog stayed out. It's in his nature. He likes snow more than the rest of us.

Enjoying the snow
Pulaski found a stick

Hoover likes to hide in the snow


Monday, December 24, 2012

Holiday Card

      One day we were working on our holiday card. Mom wanted Hoover, Nikita and me to get together so she could take a picture of us. We got together but Hoover didn't cooperate and ran outside. Then he came back with very muddy paws so we had to clean him up. We came back but then Nikita was uncomfortable and moved. So once she got settled down we moved in. She moved away once we got too close for comfort. Mom took several pics. They weren't that good. Sometimes it was me who had a goofy look. So in the end we took pictures separately. Mom said we are going to start earlier next year on our picture.
     I'd like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa. Those are the winter holidays I know. And if you celebrate Christmas, I hope you are nice because if you are not, you might be expecting some coal.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Silly Pulaski

Sorry, mom couldn't get it to rotate, just look sideways.
         We had people working on our roof this week. Everyone had left the house to go somewhere. We had set up the Christmas tree. We blockaded it because we weren't sure Pulaski knew what it was. My dad came home and couldn't find Pulaski. He searched many rooms, but mine, and still didn't find him. He wasn't in his usual spots. Dad finally came to my room. There was Pulaski all curled up on my bed. He was searching for comfort. When the roofers pound, it sounds like thunder. Pulaski doesn't like thunder.He has arthritis so I don't know how he got up there. But I appreciate he found my bed for comfort.
       Now it is time for another Pulaski tale. It is snowing here in Indiana. Pulaski is a Malamute. He should like snow, wrong! We sent him out but he wanted right back in. And right now all our dogs are staying in, not going out in the snow. Some sled dogs they are. At least Hoover enjoyed the snow for a bit.
Sparkling snow on Hoover

Nikita on her bed instead of in the snow
Playing with a cow instead of out in the snow
        Remember my post about Pulaski and how he tears up toys and likes to rip the tags off? Well, he did that again. He pulled the tag off and it got stuck between his teeth. He went around with the tag stuck between his teeth without noticing it. Of course we tried pulling it out but couldn't get it. But he got it out himself using a pull toy as floss. He is smarter than us!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Birthday Celebration

        Today is my birthday. It is quite clear it has nothing to do with dogs and is very off track. But I thought I'd blog about it because it might have some connections with dogs but not many and today is my birthday so, yeah. 
        It all started yesterday at I:00. I had invited 4 friends to the IU women's basketball game. Friend #1 came first. We went to our seats which were down by the court. Then my dad came with Friend # 2,3, and 4. When the game started we had a lot of fun.
       We were on the Jumbo-tron a couple times. Once when Friend #4 was dancing, they put him on the dance cam. We also got popcorn. Sam spilled a bunch of it on the floor, it was funny. And I, crammed it down my throat. I am addicted to popcorn. IU won the basketball game and we got to go on the court after the game.
      Next we went to a restaurant. We played "Slap Jack" though we got too loud so the parents told us to play something else. So we played "War" instead. When we got home, I went to bed knowing I had a good day with friends (and MAYBE dogs). I'm glad my friends could be part of my birthday. I have great friends.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Lumen's Origins and My Birthday

      It all starts in 2011, when we got Lumen in December, before my birthday. My parents got Lumen as a early birthday present. My birthday is on December 17. She is not our second foster but since it is close to my birthday I want to talk about her. Lumen was very young and loved to snuggle. And she was a fairly fast runner. But one bad thing, she was VERY VERY skinny. My mom said she could gain some weight. I nicknamed her "Skinny Dog."
She loved to snuggle
      Lumen had a severe case of separation anxiety. We put her in our crate. She busted it in a day. And she weighed about 30 pounds. She tore some bars and gnawed on the tray. But we made 1 grave mistake. We left Lumen out in the house and candy canes were on the middle of the table. Some how, while we were gone, Lumen climbed on the table and ate several of our candy canes, that were supposed to be for my birthday. She even gnawed on the box. She had colored poop for a day or two.
      Now I shall fast forward in time. December 15, I thought Lumen would be around for my birthday. I was wrong. We got a message that someone wanted Lumen so she was adopted on December 16, ONE DAY BEFORE my BIRTHDAY on Dec. 17! What a birthday present. I was bummed for a while but I got over it once my parents took me to have Chinese.
She liked my room

       I am also deeply saddened about the shooting at the elementary school. I wish all of the kids had a dog to comfort them. I am in elementary school now too. I'm not sure how safe I feel at school now but I know my prinicipal and teachers will help us.

She was so sweet when we were home
Playing with Hoover

Getting ready to go to her new home


Thursday, December 13, 2012

Percy's Origins - First Foster

      Percy was our first foster. His owners gave him up when he was just 10 months old. We got him in March, 2011. Percy weighed 90 pounds and was almost as tall as Hoover who was fully grown. Percy was very playful and snuggled a lot. He followed Hoover around a bunch and acted like he was a long lost friend. He was also very funny. One day when I was leaving swimming pratice at IU with Percy, I tripped. I was luckily not hurt. Not until Percy acted. He plopped right on me and I'm not sure he was playing with me or protecting me. I have a feeling he thought,'MAN DOWN! MAN DOWN!!!' My parents laughed about it(some parents) and a couple of college girls worried over me.
Percy's first day
    Percy also liked a toy spider Hoover had. He liked it so much he tore off all the legs. Today we call it the legless spider and Hoover still plays with it.  This was just the FIRST of many of Hoover's toys destroyed in our foster career.
     In April, 2011, Percy was adopted after one of my soccer games,in U.S, or football, in the rest of the world. My mom cried a bit as he looked back when he drove away with his new family. She's a bit of a wimp. Percy now lives far away with his family and new sister, Dakota. He also pulls a sled in the winter. Happy holidays!
Sleeping with my backpack
At the soccer game

Percy getting ready to leave

Percy pulling a sled

My first foster dog

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Old Yeller

           Today's post is about a book. It does not have to do with a sled dog. But it has to do with a dog. I'm sure a lot of you have heard of "Old Yeller." It is about Travis, a pioneer boy, who's father has left with other men to hunt for the township. He has just lost a good dog and is sad. But then Old Yeller comes along and sparks adventure.
         It's sure to trick tears and is for ten and up but I read it in 2nd grade. But yeah, that's "Old Yeller" without any spoilers. I recomend it. I like the book because it has great descriptions and is a very good story line. It was written by Fred Gibson who has wrote Curly and the Wild Bear, Little Arliss, and Savage Sam
         There is also a movie which I'm sure you've seen. I haven't seen it so I can't give you much detail but I'm sure it's good. My mom did see it though. When she saw it she cried like a baby.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Hoover's Origins

        Hoover came from the Illinois Malamute Rescue Association. Hoover's mom was in rescue when Hoover was born with his 11 bros and sisters. They were called the Dirty Dozen. His first name was Cooper but I changed it to Hoover.
         We got Hoover after the heavy loss of Wiley. I got Hoover because I wanted to grow up with dogs. I discovered that Hoover loved to be petted. I would pet him then stop. Then Hoover would get mad and paw me and lick me to death.(Note: Hoover is deadly when licking. BEWARE!) Mom says," He's younger than Nikita and has cost a lot more." True. Hoover has had some "accidents"( more like emergencies).
           Hoover has a funky way of play. He likes to toss his toys up and catch them. They have hit my mom in the face. She doesn't really like it but I do. Hoover goes to soccer practice. He's always a bigger star than me. I wonder why? :)
        One day I built a snow man. We had to use marshmallows for eyes and a carrot nose. An hour later the carrot was intact but.....the marshmallows were gone. Where did they go? Hoover's stomach. 
       Hoover likes popcorn. One day my mom threw a piece to him. It landed on Sebastian's (a foster dog) back. Hoover took it off. Sebastian's comment: "What happened?"
      The best thing about Hoover - he is loving. He is so loving that when his paw got rolled over by a wheelchair at my grandma's nursing home, he didn't say anything! Hoover is also an air conditioner hog.

Hoover's ET moment

Stealing Betty's crate

Where is my present?

Alue told a funny one


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Wiley's Origins

       My parents got Wiley in 2001, at the Illinois Alaskan Malamute Rescue Association. My parents got him because they thought Nikita was getting lonely. Once my parents got him they discovered a few things. First of all, he was a non-alpha. He hated storms and was terrified of plastic-bags.  In the first month, we had to find out what Wiley was allergic to. We had to feed him duck and potatoes for the whole month. It put a shine on his coat. We thought he liked it.
        I played a lot with Wiley. We'd play catch (more like keep-away). My parents told me I had to give the ball to Wiley sometimes. I chased him with my toy truck. I would sit on him and dress up like a super hero and Wiley would be my side kick ( NOTE: I was only 3 or 4 years old).

Even Nikita played. She would chase Wiley in the yard. 

     One bad thing about Wiley, he didn't care for cats. We had a stray kitten named The First Peter Parker and one day he got in the backyard while Wiley was outside. Wiley picked Peter Parker up in his mouth and Nikita was barking giving a warning to my mom. My mom went outside and yelled "no" at the dogs. They both stopped and looked at her. Wiley dropped Peter Parker and no one moved. My mom picked up Peter Parker and took him in the house. I'm thankful Wiley didn't eat Peter Parker.
      Then tragedy struck, Wiley got cancer. We had to feed him pills and he liked ice cream so we hid the pills in ice cream. He died at the age of 9. I was 5 at the time. I will always remember him for his good companionship. But a jolly bundle of fur called Hoover was on his way.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Nikita's orgins

       Today I  got an exclusive interview with Peggy Holtz( A.K.A, my mom). She told me about beloved,(grumpy was my comment,) adored, and awesome Nikata. But we call her Kita or mom calls her Princess. Nikita was found in the woods with her sister. They were abandoned. The shelter picked them up and gave Nikita to my parents in 2000. 
        But Nikita didn't get started off that well. Her lips were sucked up in a vacuum cleaner and she got stung on the face by a wasp and her face swelled up. Yeah. Really.  And she was younger than a year. And she dug in the yard. She found a mud pile. It got messy.
        But as the years went by, she lost her athleticism. She got arthritis and she now sleeps a lot. But,once in while, Kita will have a spurt of energy. 
         She has been a good mom to Hoover. She is also a good companion. She is a little independent.

 Note: Some people have not been able to comment. The settings have been changed and if you are not logged into Google, you can now comment using anonymous. Still working out the bugs, sorry.

Pennies for Pets

        My school is holding a campaign. It's called "Pennies for Pets."  It is where we donate things to the animal shelter and raise money. Students at University Elementary school are asked to donate. Items consist of: can dog food; blankets; old towels; toys; and biscuits. Thank you for reading my new entry. But, I am just telling you, not asking you. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Pulaski's Different way of Play

           Pulaski is our foster dog who is learning how to play. We get Nikita going and Hoover gets excited while Pulaski barks his head off. Then the party stops. Once again, Pulaski has been a party crasher.
           He doesn't know how to keep some stuff for himself. He once went to the toy basket and found an old bone. Nikita came and took the bone from him. Pulaski stood there dumbfounded. He outweighs Nikita by 50 pounds. When he first came, Nikita was scared of him but now she is back to being queen. 
            I decided to teach Pulaski how to play. I gave him a toy to play with. And guess what? At first he just sat there.Then Pulaski took the tag off and tried to take the tail. We're now aware about what toys he uses because the tags are missing. But I guess you could say that he plays even though he tries rip the toys open. I think he likes me the best because he will carry one of my socks around. 

     Stay tuned for the origins of our sled dogs who have never pulled a sled.  Nikita will be first.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

"Finney's " Iditarod Trail Adventure

      Yesterday at the Bloomington Wonderlab, it hosted the first Iditarod teacher trail conqueror. She was Andrea "Finney" Aufder Heyde. She lives in Bloomington. She has 2 dogs named Sootfa and Joli. But the main thing I will talk about is the trail.
      "Finney" was the first teacher to follow along on the Iditarod trail. She had to buy all her gear and survive on her own. She was dropped off  away from the checkpoint. She would need to walk to it by herself. And amazingly, she only got lost once. She showed much of her equipment. 
        Annui(ah-noo-ee) was one of "Finney's" first dogs. She was an Alaskan sled dog.  Annui  taught children with "Finney" at Rodger's Elementary school.  And after 1 year, Annui went back  to Alaska to train to be a sled dog. She then came back to Bloomington. I know I am leaving you wondering so buy a copy of "Finney's" book "The Double Life of an Alaskan Sled Dog." 
         Please feel free to comment on this blog.



Pulaski Strikes

           It is my second day of blogging. Thank you again for coming to read my blog. Now, let's get started.
          I had woke up on November 25, 2012. My dad had given me a mini-donut. I was eating it on our pull out bed when Pulaski came. As you know, Pulaski is our big malamute foster.
         I petted Pulaski, pampering him. I leaned in to scratch his ears when...BAM!!! Pulaski grabbed the donut and took off with it, eating it on the way. He got half and I had half, though I didn't eat the rest. We scolded Pulaski but in the end, he was the one to get hyper!

Saturday, November 24, 2012


                                 The Beginning 

  Thank you for coming to read my blog. The people you will be reading about are: Hoover, Nikita, and Pulaski. They are my dogs. I was inspired to write this by Andrea "Finney" Aufder Heyde. She has inspired me because she likes Northern dogs and was a musher for some time. I thank her and all of my supporters.  
    I am Ian Holtz-Hazeltine. I'm in 4th grade and training to be a soccer player and author. I like dogs (especially huskies and malamutes) and I am a fan of Erin Hunter's "Warriors" series( link to And that is me.


Foster Dog Pulaski

   Pulaski is an Alskan malamute male. He is large but very gentle. Pulaski is about seven years old. He loves food and will take it whenever he can. He was an outsider at first but eventually will warm up to you. He does not like cats. Pulaski likes to keep his personal space and takes small amounts of cuddling. He enjoys walks. He's a couch potato(if he could get on the couch). He follows you around the house. For more info go to: