Monday, January 9, 2017

The Red Hot Chili Pepper

   Happy New Year to everyone! As you know. I haven't been blogging as much. I've been busy with soccer, band, Science Olympiad, school, and the dogs. I thought I would get a New Year blog out before I get too busy in the new year.     We have a new foster, well she has been with us since November. Her name is Chili. Her nickname is Red Hot Chili Pepper. Chili is a tiny, tiny husky. She is the smallest husky we have ever had over the years. Chili makes up for her size with lots of sass. Sometimes when we pet Hoover, Chili starts to woo-woo and budges in. She is a big talker!  
    Chili has one big phobia just like Josie, she is petrified of going down stairs. The farthest she
has gotten is three steps. To try and coax her down, we've put toys and food on the steps. One time, she grabbed the toy but as she backed up, she scared herself and dropped the toy all the way down the stairs. She was so close!
    Chili is good at retrieving balls, but not preserving them. She chews on the balls so vigorously, she punctures the squeaker inside. Whenever we give her a ball, we have to watch her so we're not having to buy a new ball everyday. Hoover is the exact opposite of Chili. He lies down with his ball and squeaks it gently. Sometimes he just watches it.
    I guess you could say opposites attract because these two have become good chums. We're a little surprised Hoover cares so much about Chili's well-being. She was kind of a brat to him in the beginning. When they are outside and Chili gets out of Hoover's sight, he starts to whine and may get up to check on her. They both stand at the door when we get home and Chili becomes very excited. Chili will jump up and land her front paws on Hoover's head or back. Hoover just takes it like a champ.
    The year 2016 was rough for us. We lost a lot of good family members, but the year also brought me lots of good soccer opportunities. There were other things such as Josie's adoption and the success of Science Olympiad. I hope 2017 will be a good year for all of us!