Monday, September 5, 2016

Learning to Walk a Straight Line

     We have some good news about Josie today. There are two possible adoptions for Josie. I am kind of sad Josie will probably be going soon. I really do enjoy her company. She is the only dog I've known that comes to my room every night to say goodnight to me. I know my mum will be happy though. Over the past few days mum has compared Josie to me. For example, neither Josie or I can walk a straight line. I've been told I weave side to side, irritating my parents when I
cut them off. When we go on walks with Josie, she walks from one side of the sidewalk to the other side. Sometimes this causes her to run into Hoover or Lizzie. My weaving has started to effect other things than just my parents now. My cross country coach told me I need to work on walking and running in a straight line. I realized the average cross country course is about 2 miles, with my weaving I probably run about 2.2 miles. I've almost tripped myself . I was going down a hill when one foot swayed and hit my other leg. I almost tumbled down.
      Josie and I are also very serious about our food. I'm often accused of eating too quickly or one that does not chew their food. Mum tells me to slow down and savory the food. Josie barks when she thinks it's time to get dinner. She anxiously waits at the top of the stairs for her food. When we put her food down for her, she wants to lay down and put her head in the bowl. We don't see her face again until she is done. There is one difference though, I have a forever home and Josie is still looking her forever home.
     My school year has started, along with soccer and cross country seasons. My schedule has been pretty hectic, but I'm making things work so far. I will admit this Labor Day weekend was a good break. I hope my body will be ready in two weeks when I have two soccer games and two cross country meets in four days. I do enjoy the exercise and all the big meals. Plus the ice cream!
     The fantasy football season is starting soon. I hope everyone can get a better draft grade than my mum, she got a C+.  My own team the, Pink Fluffy Unicorns from Scotland, will be attempting to get their second championship. May the best team win!