Monday, September 7, 2015

The Top Ten Funny Moments

     Last weekend we had our first soccer game. It was on Sunday and we played against Zionsville. This was our first game playing on a bigger field. I played a position I hadn't played in a while. I was returning to my center back roots. For the entire game, I played center back with one of my teammates. By the end I was extremely tired because in the morning I had gone to a soccer practice in Indianapolis. We ended up winning the game against Zionsville, 3-1. It felt really good to win the first game of the season. It gets you energized for the rest of the season. 
     I've decided to make a list of some of the funniest things our dogs, including fosters have done over the years. It was extremely hard to limit it to 10. Now for the Top Ten:

10. Hoover eating popcorn off Sebatian's back. One night I threw a piece of popcorn to Hoover. He tried to catch it, but it landed on Sebastian's back. Sebastian didn't realize what was happening even as Hoover snatched it off his back.

9. Lumen eating candy canes and then having rainbow poo. Short story is Lumen grabbed my birthday treats off the table and ate all the brightly colored candy canes. It wasn't funny then but it is now. 

8. Percy pouncing on me. I was walking down some stairs on campus when I tripped and fell down in front of some college students. Percy immediately pounced on me! It was like he was trying to hide me from the humiliation.

7. Nikita tattle telling on everyone. Nikita first started when Wiley would try to climb the fence. She would often chase him into a corner or dog house. Another time she saved a kitten from being devoured by Wiley. Her barking alerted mum to come outside. She also caught Alue pulling the dog food bag out of our pantry. 

6. Sebastion doing 360s at dinner time. Sebastion was normally a pretty slow guy, but when it was dinner time, he picked up the pace. He would then spin excited circles.

5. Hoover hogging the air conditioning. It doesn't matter if it is in the house or the car. He likes to open his mouth and have the cold air flow into his mouth. 

4. Hoover avoiding eye contact with the mini schnauzer dogs. There are three little schnauzers that line up at the fence and yap at our dogs. Hoover wants to bark at them and charge the fence, but we tell him no. Now when we walk by he looks the opposite direction and whines as we pass.

3. Hoover's shrinking spider toy. Hoover has had a lot of toys. Many of them have taken a beating. Hoover's spider toy took quite a beating, but Hoover wouldn't give it up. It kept losing a leg to each foster dog that came along. Hoover loved that spider. Mum finally tossed it when we moved. 

2. Wiley was terrified of plastic bags. So Wiley was in the car with my parents going home from the grocery store. He was sitting in the back of the truck with the groceries when a plastic bag rolled toward him. He leaped to the front and landed in mum's lap. I'm told he refused to move.

1. Dakota climbing a mountain of cushions. My parent's first malamute had a leg amputated. The vet didn't want her getting up on things after surgery, but Dakota was a stubborn malamute and kept trying to get on the sofa. Mum stacked several cushions on the sofa to prevent Dakota from jumping on. When she came back, Dakota was laying on top of the stack of cushions, which was about three feet high.  Mum decided to give up. 

     Hmmm, Lizzie doesn't show up in the Top Ten. I guess she is always so serious.    

     Hoover's fan club grows every day. Hoover went to Bell Trace on Labor Day with dad. He met a seven year old girl who loved on him. She liked him so much she drew a portrait of him. I like the portrait. I see some of similarities.