Monday, August 18, 2014

The Tale of a Lost Tail

    This weekend Hoover lost his dignity. It all started on Friday. Mum stripped him of part of his tail. Now there are big chunks outside and in the trash but there is little fur on his tail. The way mum is going at it, Hoover will have a rat tail in a week. In one picture it looks like Hoover's tail exploded shortly after her pecking. I think Hoover has started hiding behind chairs when mum is around. To groom Hoover, mum has now resorted to distracting him by rubbing his belly. While she rubs his belly, she plucks fur off his tail. Poor Hoover falls for it every time. Now mum's attention is on Lizzie. 
     Lizzie is the last dog to start to shed her coat. On her flanks, the fur is falling off in clumps. Yeah, right now, Lizzie's chances of being beauty queen are slim. I'm going to start calling mum Cruella de Vil. She could make a coat off both dogs shed fur. Maybe that's why she's so obsessed...
      Lizzie was tired yesterday. While Hoover went to Bell Trace to entertain people, Lizzie went to Bryan Park. She walked two laps around the park. I ran her a bit until I tripped and fell down. She didn't act her age then but she did Saturday night and Sunday. She slept pretty much the entire day, just like Nikita.
      Today we did some dog sitting for Jet. Jet is a fabulous senior. She is 11 years old and a bloodhound lab mix. Mum and Jet picked me up from school and Jet drooled all over the windows. We're going to have some fun cleaning up. We went back to mum's office and Jet cleaned up what edible snack crumbs were on the floor left by me. It was fun spending some time with Jet.
      I presented on Japan and the Fukushima plant on Friday. I'm not sure Mrs Davis, my teacher, gave grades on the presentations because we were the first to present. I do know I had a great time making my PowerPoint & stop-motion short.
    On Sunday we made a chiton for Greek simulation at school. Hoover likes making crafts even though he laid down on the supplies. While we were folding the sheet, Hoover decided to get in the middle of things by plopping down on it. I'm really enjoying the Greek simulation. I like learning about Greek culture. I got the name Heracles. I'm looking forward to further Greek projects like the Olympics!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

The First Week

     From fifth grade to sixth grade. This week I went to my school for the first week of sixth grade. And I've got a project. To me, that's a good sign because I get to work a lot. My project is going to be common because I will redo it every nine weeks. We call the project Current Events. I will collect information about a country and what is happening in that country now. I've chosen Japan to study. I want to talk about radiation and its dangers. I'll be doing a PowerPoint and stop-motion. 
      Along with it being the first week of school, it is also the first week of soccer. I'm excited for this season. I'm really just hoping we win more than one game in regular season. I hope having an extra practice every week will help.
     Hoover got a little too excited for the start of school. Hoover made a big mess of his toys at the bottom of the stairs. It looked like a massacre. There was stuffing all over the floor. He didn't help much when we had to clean up the family room. Hoover was all tuckered out after his party. He had trouble waking up this morning.
     We looked at some old photos this week and found a puppy picture of Nikita when she was stung by a bee. She learned the hard way that bees should be left alone. Her lips swelled up and stuck out. She was so uncomfortable she couldn't put her head down. The vet told my parents to give her Benadryl. To compare, here is a normal picture of Nikita and a picture of what Nikita looked like several hours after being stung. Here are some other dogs who learned the hard way that bees should not be messed with. Let me know if you  have had a furry friend that learned about bees the hard way.